Son Teslim Tarihi : 3 Ocak 2022
Paris, Nairobi, 12 October 2021 – The UIA, in partnership with UN-Habitat, today launches the UIA 2030 Award to promote the work of architects contributing to delivery of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development together with the New Urban Agenda.
The biennial award, synchronised with the World Urban Forum, invites all architects around the world to submit entries for built projects which demonstrate design quality and have made significant contributions towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in six categories. The first cycle of the UIA Award (2021 - 2022) is now open for entries.
Faced with the challenges of climate change, rapid urbanisation and deepening inequality caused by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has never been a more important time for architects and built environment professionals to contribute to this pressing global agenda.
The UIA is committed to supporting delivery of the 17 SDGs, especially SDG11, ‘To make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’. CATEGORIES All Sustainable Development Goals 1. Open Category: Recognising that architecture and the built environment contribute to the delivery of sustainable development in many ways, the Open Category will recognise a project which, in the opinion of the judges, has made the most significant overall contribution to delivery of the Global Goals. Sustainable Development Goal 7 2. Improving energy efficiency: This category will recognise a project which has contributed significantly to improving the rate of energy efficiency, consistent with the principles underpinning Target 7.3 of SDG7, and demonstrates design quality. Sustainable Development Goal 11 3. Adequate, safe and affordable housing: This category will recognise a project which has contributed significantly to the provision of accessible, adequate, safe and affordable housing, urban regeneration and/or slum upgrading consistent with the principles underpinning Target 11.1 of SDG11. 4. Participatory, land-use efficient and inclusive planning: This category will recognise a project which has contributed significantly to the provision of participatory, integrated, land-use efficient and inclusive human settlement planning, consistent with the principles underpinning Target 11.3 of SDG11 5. Access to green and public space: This category will recognise a project which has contributed significantly to the provision of access to safe, inclusive and accessible green and public space for all, consistent with the principles underpinning Target 11.7 of SDG11. 6. Utilising local materials: This category will recognise a project which has contributed significantly to building sustainable and resilient buildings utilising local materials, consistent with the principles underpinning Target 11.c of SDG11. JURY
- UIA SDG Commission Co-Director: Mr. Ishtiaque Zahir Titas (Bangladesh)
- UIA Region I, Western Europe: Ms. Camilla van Deurs, City Architect, Copenhagen (Denmark)
- UIA Region II, Eastern Europe & the Middle East: Mr. Nikolai Shumakov, Chief Architect, JSC 'Metrogiprotrans', Moscow (Russian Federation)
- UIA Region III, The Americas: Ms. Anna Rubbo, Adjunct Senior Scholar, Center for Sustainable Urban Development, The Earth Institute, New York (USA)
- UIA Region IV, Asia & Oceania: Mr. Rob Adams, Director of City Design, City of Melbourne (Australia)
- UIA Region V: Africa: Ms. Nadia Tromp, Founder, Ntsika Architects, Johannesburg (South Africa)
- UN-Habitat Representative: Mr. Andrew Rudd, Human Settlements Officer, UN-Habitat Global Solutions Division (USA)
- Juror with detailed knowledge of the SGDs: Mr. Peter Oborn, UN Habitat Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAGE), London (UK)
- Juror with detailed knowledge of the SGDs: Ms. Ramatu Aliyu, Principal at Planned Shelter Consult, Abuja (Nigeria)
AWARDS The competition will be run in two stages. Stage 1 submissions will be assessed on a regional basis, reflecting each of the five UIA regions. The Jury will select at least one and up to three Regional Finalists in each Award Category to go forward to Stage 2. A medal will be presented to one winner in each of the Categories 1-6 on completion of Stage 2 (i.e. one winner per Category), together with Commendations for the remaining regional finalists. PROMOTION The Regional Finalists of Stage 1 will be promoted through the UIA and UN-Habitat networks. The projects will be promoted through publication on the UIA website where there will be a virtual gallery, social media and/or journals as well as those of UIA member bodies. There will be an award ceremony at the World Urban Forum in Katowice, Poland in June 2022. PROCEDURE All submissions must be made on the UIA submissions platform. No submissions will be accepted via post or by e-mail. The award is free to enter. All submissions must be made in English.